Displays At Reception Centres October 2, 2013 Julian Uncategorized I’ve mentioned a few times the importance of having good relationships with your reception centres. We have a range of printed material at our reception centres, most importantly our display albums. It’s obvious that your album should showcase your best work, but more importantly needs to show off that particular venue! The album needs to sell them almost more than you – it needs to be a marketing tool for the reception centres. Once the client sees beautiful photos of the venue and they book it, it’s almost a sure thing they’ll want you to take the same beautiful photos for their wedding day! We also have a few display prints on the wall, again featuring the best locations around that venue and branded with your logo for consistency. Also make sure the venue has a brochure of yours to give out to prospective clients – if the client asks about you, it’s far better the venue give out a beautiful brochure with photos and information than simply a business card. Like all of us, reception centres will only recommend someone they know will do a good job, so you really need to impress them with your work, your customer service and your manner.
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